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In English

I am a teacher and a translator. I live in Wrocław, Poland. I studied Polish Philology at the University of Wrocław in the 1980’s and I have a Master’s degree in Polish Literature. After graduating I worked in a printing company as a photographer for several years and then I went to study English in the UK and in Ireland.

After coming back to Poland I started teaching English as a freelance teacher. My first translation was published in 2003. It was Peter Kreeft’s book Angels and Demons. I was actually the first one to translate his books and articles into Polish, including The Journey, Prayer for Beginners and Three Approaches to Abortion. I have translated over 25 books altogether, mainly Catholic authors, including writers Peter Kreeft, George Weigel’s Letters to a Young Catholic and The Courage to Be Catholic, Alice von Hildebrand’s  The Soul of a Lion: The Life of Dietrich von Hildebrand, Hilaire Belloc's The Great Heresies and Abp. Fulton J. Sheen’s Life of Christ. You can see the full list of books I have translated in the Przetłumaczone książki section.

I have also translated some texts for various Polish Catholic magazines and recently I’ve been translating for the conservative website, including some episodes of The Vortex by Michael Voris that are suitable for a Polish audience.

My articles in English:

Interviews, opinions:
Translated articles:


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